The Team at Elena Prousskaia Clinic are fully committed to putting the health and safety of our patients first. We will therefore continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and adjust the protocols and processes to meet the Government’s changes. This policy will be continuously updated. If you have received this more than once then please take the time to read through this again as some details may have changed.
We are delighted to say that we are in the process of working with all of our clinic locations to re-open and start holding face-to-face consultations. However, as we are sure you will appreciate, we have taken extensive measures to maximise your safety and the safety of all staff within the vicinity.
We are actively working with, and following guidance from, all national healthcare bodies and providers to ensure that you are kept safe.
We are asking anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 not to attend the hospital or clinic and advise that all patients are screened on arrival at each location, as we work together to maintain everyone’s safety.
Not only are we fully educated with each location’s COVID-19 policy, which will be followed while onsite, but all clinical members of staff are also fully trained on COVID-19 infection control. Staff within the team who can work remotely are doing so and we will be providing regular audits to make sure we are up to date with the latest Government’s requirement. The appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as disposable gloves, aprons, disposable masks and eye protection, will be worn by Elena Prousskaia during your consultation and any other staff members within the team while onsite.
Please check the government website at for the latest details.
We appreciate it will take some time adapting to these new measures and we thank you for bearing with us during this difficult period.